
Participation in the Halo Hub provides students with an opportunity outside of their studies to gain tangible skills transferrable to future careers. As part of your role within the Hub, you will develop skills such as:


Project Directors will be responsible for the daily management of society projects and all members, e.g. all events, head regular meetings with the Hub, social media posts and campaigns, supporting members where necessary and general running of the Hub.

Networking & Collaboration

Liaising with Halo Project professionals to set the agenda for each academic semester/year and work in line with what the charity requires and, liaising with staff and Student’s Union 
(if applicable) to effectively raise awareness of hidden harms on campus and in the community.


Ensure Hub members are fulfilling the requirements of their roles and support them, ensuring meetings are effectively coordinated by liaising with your team to create an agenda ahead of the meeting, recording minutes at the meeting and keeping records of attendance and training, remind members of meetings and upcoming events.

Event management

Assist with planning of any events and activities, e.g. room booking for meetings, socials and stalls or any other planned events, sending out invites to events and keep tracking of RSVP’s, planning of logistics of events and ensuring all events are ran efficiently, liaising with executive committee to organise event advertising.

Numerical skills

Provide Halo with engagement figures monthly, keep a record of incoming/outgoing expenditure, keep track of donations received and send to Halo, purchases for events, activities or advertising, staying up to date with Students Union society finance procedures (if applicable) and apply for grants where applicable.


Responsible for marketing and publicising all Hub social media accounts, preparing content on hidden harms to bring awareness to global issues, run accounts appropriate in line with Halo and university/college guidelines, publicising all Hub related events, assist in running social media campaigns and creating ideas for posts.

These skills can help you with invaluable experience in areas of law, health and social care, and marketing, which can be particularly attractive in your chosen career post-education.

The Halo Project will provide references to all active Halo Hub members and will continue to support students throughout their duration in the Hub.

Contact us to get involved

    “Forming the Halo Hub at Sunderland was extremely rewarding, as I was able to complete accredited training, go to regional events to educate and raise awareness on hidden harms, do my dissertation on the charity, and my favourite part of all - being hired full-time by Halo after graduating!”
    Shannon Hodge
    Sunderland University

    Contact us to get involved