
Participation in the Halo Hub provides students with an opportunity outside of their studies to gain tangible skills transferrable to future careers. As part of your role within the Hub, you will develop skills such as:

Educating through collaborative discussions on hidden harms

Students raising awareness through their local communities

Student created material awareness-raising and providing the contact details of the Halo Project for those in need of support

Raising awareness through social media campaigns

Student Union raising awareness event

Raising awareness of forced marriage and honour-based abuse through debates

Rasing awareness through the organisation of a Violence Against Women Panel with external speakers

Collaborating with other societies and raising awareness through a Paint n’ Sip event

Contact us to get involved

    “So much more can be achieved by people and organisations standing and working together – Halo Hubs are a perfect example of this. Everyone should be able to feel safe from harm, and through collaboration and action towards collective goals, Halo and education providers across the UK and beyond are determined to make this a reality. Halo Hubs are raising awareness, nurturing changemakers and making a real difference.”
    Claire Preston
    Halo Project Chair

    Contact us to get involved