The Benefits

For Students

  • Undertaking accredited training around hidden harms and sexual abuse to further their knowledge

  • Provides students with a safe space to discuss their own experiences.

  • Gives students an opportunity outside of their studies to meet new people and build resilience

  • Providing students with the transferable knowledge and skills for their future careers such as creating and sustaining a team, holding meetings, organising events, working with staff, students and external organisations

  • Halo Project will provide references to all active Halo Hub members

  • Ongoing support from the Halo Project to students throughout their duration in the Hub.

  • The opportunity to engage with other Hubs at different universities and colleges, and network with like-minded individuals.

  • It can empower students to be the change that they want to see in society.

For Staff

  • Demonstrates the educational institution is taking a national lead on serious human rights abuses by collaborating with third sector organisations such as Halo and our extensive multi-agency partners to further safeguard both students and staff.

  • Opens a conversation about hidden harms, allowing victims to come forward to peers trained in informing, responding, and signposting on to specialist support.

  • Encourages greater integration through a wider understanding of culture, religion, and traditions, while ensuring Black and minoritised students feel seen and able to access culturally appropriate, specialist support and guidance from the Hub.

  • Strengthens ties with a national charity leading on the eradication of hidden harms in the UK.

  • Provides an additional routeway for students to disclose abuse and report hate crimes.

Gain access to accredited training

Becoming a member of the Halo Hub means that you will receive accredited training on safeguarding Black and minoritised victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence, including forced marriage, honour-based abuse, and female genital mutilation.
The training will include:
  • Increasing knowledge and awareness of FM, HBA and FGM
  • Understanding the difference between ‘forced’ and ‘arranged’
  • Recognising HBA and what does it include?
  • Understanding and insight of the cultural context of FM, HBA and FGM
  • Prevalence, which communities are most affected
  • Spotting the signs
  • Insight into the effects on victims of FM, HBA and FGM
  • Dealing with disclosure, dos and don’ts
  • What are the options? Who can help?
  • An understanding of the legislation around FM, HBA and FGM
  • Know what action to take if someone is at risk
  • Case Studies – learn best practice when handling cases of FM, HBA and FGM
In addition, as a student as part of the Halo Hub your training will cover:
  •  Insight into what a Halo Hub is
  • Insight into the Halo Project Charity, our background, values, ethos, mission
  • Dealing with disclosure, within your college or university
  • Safeguarding policies within your college or university
  • Increasing knowledge and awareness of sexual violence and abuse
  • Understanding the different types of sexual violence and abuse
  • Raising awareness of the impact on victims and survivors
  • Insight into the age of consent
  • Understanding the culture of silence
  • Identifying and responding to sexual violence and abuse disclosures
  • An understanding of legislation around sexual violence and abuse

Contact us to get involved

    “I wanted to be part of raising awareness of the harms still facing women and girls not just globally, but in the local community too. If you are passionate about human rights or even just making a difference on campus, I could not recommend the Halo Hub enough!”
    Tamara Schwarz
    Northumbria University

    Contact us to get involved